Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Dear Ol' Friend Retired...

November 4, 2015 (Lakewood, CO)

A dear ol' friend retired yesterday. She was there for us to help in the long sleepless nights, through each of our children's early childhood moments--tummy aches, colic, daytime naps, and bedtime stories. She started off shiny & new, but was broken several times, fixed, recovered, fixed, recovered again, but finally, alas could no longer be fixed. Sometimes, you just have to let go. So we are. Thank you dear chair, though we never named you, you were an unbelievable blessing. We say goodbye with so many memories, and much love.

** (Tina) "Spent many a nights with her rocking our children to sleep, falling asleep with them in our arms and she would let us get some rest through the long nights. We will miss her."

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