Monday, April 27, 2020

5-year Spartan Reminder!

May 4, 2019

5-year Spartan Reminder!!

Facebook reminded me (shoved it in my face...) that 5 Years Ago I competed & completed the Spartan Sprint 5K with a torn rotator cuff, two partially separated attaching tendons, and severe tendonitis.

And today I'm reminding myself:

In 2014 that race the average age was 25ish, I was 52, and out of a field of over 3000, I finished better than half @1706th overall.

I'm reminding myself that I competed 5 years ago w/ a nasty shoulder injury, seven years after I was rear-ended on my motorcycle and thrown head-first into a median and I had to re-learn how to walk, talk and use my left hand again.

I'm reminding myself (and anyone else that wants or needs reminding) that times now may be hard, and yet I want to do a few things:
1. Let my faith keep holding me
2. Be more mindful of family, others & myself
3. Maintain a healthy, positive attitude
4. Reject resentment/bitterness as poisons to my mind, and heart
5. Be content
6. What I can do, do with all my heart
7. Hope

I'm reminding myself to take the advice of Sir Winston, The Bulldog of Britain, "If you're going through hell, keep going."

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