Twitter. Twitterer. They are truly frightening.
But if you listen & watch, a twitterer can be identified.
As a species, their Mensa fellows can string together an amazing 280 characters at a time, though historically the typical twit usually only conveyed less than 10% of that.
The contemporary twit? Gather an chance guess-timate? With low brow sincerity, today’s modern twit trumpets & vocalizes within species, with only ONE percent of their already minimal, rudimentary, primitive language & communication skill set.
1% or 10%— about 30 characters, a couple of words, maybe a sentence fragment being the the superego, the informed voice.
They are the gurus of illusion, so skilled are they, that with only a handful of “words” they lead the lives of hundreds, thousands & millions. Like the horoscope of old, casting lots, and the entrails & omen readings of the past, today have become the daily joe, a good ol’ cuppa, the morning jolt, and the masters of many.
Interestingly, a few years back when the twit culture took an evolutionary leap forward & doubled its character count, full pleasantries and more civilized communication patterns emerged.
For example, instead of a hurried, abbreviated “plz”, astonishingly the use of “please” increase by nearly 40%. “Thx”, became “thanks”. That’s truly a possibly significant correlation between civility, accord and an increase in character/word use.
Why is a twit, and her/his twitter something to be feared?
Oh, it’s not the twit, or the twitter that’s frightening, but the fact that there are those of higher intellect, developed frontal lobes, reasoned & scientific thought who willingly choose to inundate, saturate, & choose this noise to be the subliminal soundtrack for their lives.
The course of intellect, and lives being guided by gurus of 30 character beeps, burps, snorts, farts, warbles, bugles, words or tweets...that is astonishing and truly frightening.
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
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