I completed the Spartan Sprint 5K with a torn rotator cuff, two partially separated attaching tendons, and severe tendonitis in my right arm/shoulder.
finished the Sunday Spartan Sprint Open in 2:17:51 — placing 24th for
Age Group, 1166th for Gender, and 1706th Overall (top half of field)!
Why'd I do it? Aft
er my motorcycle
accident a year ago the doctors and their tests kept saying "disabled"
and that started getting into my head and pulling me down--this was my
"I'll show them (and me) I've got heart" moment! I completed 24/25
obstacles on the course. For those of you who are down or have been
down, let me remind you it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but
the size of the fight in the dog that matters... Philippians 4:13
Colorado Springs Military Spartan Sprint: 4.5 mile course created by Spartan Sprint & Army Special Forces. 25 obstacles.
First Section:
Obstacle 1: Over-Under-Over (runners must first climb over a wall, run 10 yards, climb under a wall, run 10 yards, then through a square hole placed in a wall. This obstacle was repeated three times in a row). Obstacle 2: can't remember!. Obstacle 3: GFT Wall (runners must climb over a wooden walls. The first was 4', the next was 6' and the last was 8'). Obstacle 4: Muck Run (runners ran, waded through a nasty, mucky creek, through a 2-4 ft. pond and up a 15 ft. muddy hill). Obstacle 5: The Gamble (each participant was faced with a decision, to choose between flipping a 250 lb. tractor tire multiple times, or drag a tractor tire--I chose the flip). Obstacle 6: Atlas Lift (lift a 120 lb. round stone and carry it 15 yards, drop it, do 5 burpees, repeat).
Second Section:
Obstacle 7: can't remember. Obstacle 8: Log Hop (runners had to hop across differently sized and spaced logs/stumps without touching the ground. Bonus, the stumps were unstable in the mud). Obstacle 9: Barb Wire Crawl (runners had to crawl 100+ yards through muddy pits under barbed wire, staying low to the ground as to not get injured by the wire). Obstacle 10: Tractor Pull (runners drag/pull a chain looped through a 40 lb. knobby cement block through a bumpy dirty course up and down hills for about a quarter mile). Obstacle 11. Rope Climb (runners climb a rope 20 ft. hung over a body of water/mud -- the one obstacle I did NOT complete).

Third Section:
Obstacle 12: Monkey Net (a version of the monkey bars obstacle which fashioned cargo webbing that began with a 20 ft. incline and ended with a decline traverse). Obstacle 13: Rolling Mud (runners climbed a slippery, muddy hill followed by a water pit and this repeats 5 times in a row. The hill is between 5-10 feet tall and the water is 2-4 ft. deep). Obstacle 14: Inverted Wall (runners climbed a wall that was 10-12 feet high but was like a ramp... only the ramp was on the other side and you were under it). Obstacle 15: Rucksack Carry (runners had to pick up and carry a 125 lb. rucksack/backpack a quarter mile up and down steep, winding hills).
Fourth Section:
Obstacle 16: Object Carry (runners had to carry a 70 lb. "pancake"/sandbag a quarter mile). Obstacle 17: Weaver (runners had to “weave” through logs with 3 ft. gaps, going over one beam and then under one beam, to the top of the 20 ft. A-Frame and back down the opposite side). Obstacle 18: Underwater Wall (runners climb a muudy hill and slide down it. Once in the water, there is a solid wall with barbwire across the top that skims the surface of the water so you have to completely submerge yourself to go under ad ten up another mud hill) Obstacle 19: Traverse Wall (runners had to traverse sideways a long wall of maybe a 100ft with small pieces of 2x4 screwed on at varying spans, similar to a bouldering wall). Obstacle 20: Spear Throw (participants had to throw a wooden spear into a target from a distance of 10-20 yards).
Fifth Section:
Obstacle 21: Herculean Hoist (Athletes must hoist a 75 lb. sandbag 25 ft. off the ground using a pulley system. This obstacle is similar to the "lat-pull" exercise machine, but is more difficult because the rope is often muddy and slippery... Once the block is in the air you cannot drop it. You have to get the block to the top and then bring it to the ground without letting go of the rope). Obstacle 22: Dunk Wall/Slip Wall (runners climb up a slick 10 ft. mudwall with a rope. Then slide down the mud wall on the other side into 6-8 ft. deep water/mud). Obstacle 23: Bridge (runners have to climb a wooden ladder that has been painted and caked with mud up 90ft to the top of a platform. Once at the top, you have a 45ft long horizontal cargo net to get across, followed by the 90ft climb back down the same type ladder on the other side). Obstacle 24: Fire Jump (athletes run through and then jump over a burning section of wood 1 foot to 2 feet tall). Obstacle 25: Gladiator Gauntlet.
My brother Mike said I had something in my teeth. I told him a was a little bit of determination. ;)
First Section:
Obstacle 1: Over-Under-Over (runners must first climb over a wall, run 10 yards, climb under a wall, run 10 yards, then through a square hole placed in a wall. This obstacle was repeated three times in a row). Obstacle 2: can't remember!. Obstacle 3: GFT Wall (runners must climb over a wooden walls. The first was 4', the next was 6' and the last was 8'). Obstacle 4: Muck Run (runners ran, waded through a nasty, mucky creek, through a 2-4 ft. pond and up a 15 ft. muddy hill). Obstacle 5: The Gamble (each participant was faced with a decision, to choose between flipping a 250 lb. tractor tire multiple times, or drag a tractor tire--I chose the flip). Obstacle 6: Atlas Lift (lift a 120 lb. round stone and carry it 15 yards, drop it, do 5 burpees, repeat).
Second Section:
Obstacle 7: can't remember. Obstacle 8: Log Hop (runners had to hop across differently sized and spaced logs/stumps without touching the ground. Bonus, the stumps were unstable in the mud). Obstacle 9: Barb Wire Crawl (runners had to crawl 100+ yards through muddy pits under barbed wire, staying low to the ground as to not get injured by the wire). Obstacle 10: Tractor Pull (runners drag/pull a chain looped through a 40 lb. knobby cement block through a bumpy dirty course up and down hills for about a quarter mile). Obstacle 11. Rope Climb (runners climb a rope 20 ft. hung over a body of water/mud -- the one obstacle I did NOT complete).

Third Section:
Obstacle 12: Monkey Net (a version of the monkey bars obstacle which fashioned cargo webbing that began with a 20 ft. incline and ended with a decline traverse). Obstacle 13: Rolling Mud (runners climbed a slippery, muddy hill followed by a water pit and this repeats 5 times in a row. The hill is between 5-10 feet tall and the water is 2-4 ft. deep). Obstacle 14: Inverted Wall (runners climbed a wall that was 10-12 feet high but was like a ramp... only the ramp was on the other side and you were under it). Obstacle 15: Rucksack Carry (runners had to pick up and carry a 125 lb. rucksack/backpack a quarter mile up and down steep, winding hills).
Obstacle 16: Object Carry (runners had to carry a 70 lb. "pancake"/sandbag a quarter mile). Obstacle 17: Weaver (runners had to “weave” through logs with 3 ft. gaps, going over one beam and then under one beam, to the top of the 20 ft. A-Frame and back down the opposite side). Obstacle 18: Underwater Wall (runners climb a muudy hill and slide down it. Once in the water, there is a solid wall with barbwire across the top that skims the surface of the water so you have to completely submerge yourself to go under ad ten up another mud hill) Obstacle 19: Traverse Wall (runners had to traverse sideways a long wall of maybe a 100ft with small pieces of 2x4 screwed on at varying spans, similar to a bouldering wall). Obstacle 20: Spear Throw (participants had to throw a wooden spear into a target from a distance of 10-20 yards).
Fifth Section:
Obstacle 21: Herculean Hoist (Athletes must hoist a 75 lb. sandbag 25 ft. off the ground using a pulley system. This obstacle is similar to the "lat-pull" exercise machine, but is more difficult because the rope is often muddy and slippery... Once the block is in the air you cannot drop it. You have to get the block to the top and then bring it to the ground without letting go of the rope). Obstacle 22: Dunk Wall/Slip Wall (runners climb up a slick 10 ft. mudwall with a rope. Then slide down the mud wall on the other side into 6-8 ft. deep water/mud). Obstacle 23: Bridge (runners have to climb a wooden ladder that has been painted and caked with mud up 90ft to the top of a platform. Once at the top, you have a 45ft long horizontal cargo net to get across, followed by the 90ft climb back down the same type ladder on the other side). Obstacle 24: Fire Jump (athletes run through and then jump over a burning section of wood 1 foot to 2 feet tall). Obstacle 25: Gladiator Gauntlet.
My brother Mike said I had something in my teeth. I told him a was a little bit of determination. ;)
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