Monday, April 27, 2020

Rich White Dudes, or all 'dudes'?... "I want, and am not satisfied."

August 4, 2019

Rich White Dudes, or all 'dudes'?... "I want, and am not satisfied."

It’s seen often in the news today, alarmist bells ringing about the fate of the Earth, etc and speak of renewable energy as the solution...I worked in the solar design & installation field and I, as well as anyone knowledgeable in the field will tell you the manufacturing waste n byproducts are abundant and even more toxic.

To ME, the issue isn’t a bunch of rich or poor old white men—first, I think it inflammatory and prejudiced to throw around phrases like “bunch of rich old white dudes...”—you can see the results of that labeling on YouTube with innocent old white people being bullied and beaten, even while in wheelchairs. I’m an old white dude that doesn’t appreciate the generalization or categorization;
How can it be at all OK to racially slur ANY race, gender, religion today? Can you imagine if you heard this; “bunch of ... mexicans,” “bunch of ... lesbians,” “bunch of ... muslims,” etc

How and why is this behavior both condoned, and emulated? How do you justify saying and doing these things?

Secondly & truly, the problem is ALL of us

I don’t hear the same people crying out to stop the mass comsumerism, or giving up their new cell phone or cosmetics or never ending fashions changes that consume resources AND continue the cycle of poverty and terrible labor practices around the world...

Listen, if you don’t give up all your money and income, that new cell phone upgrade, stop your own indulgent and selfish spending & living—argh!! stop the rhetoric

Oh, and by the way, the earth doesn’t need saving, the vast majority of the non-citied earth is in remarkable condition (you ought to get out of the cities more) —AND it’ll push back as it always does

Its quite foolish to underestimate Mother Nature...This isn’t the earth’s first dance at the ball...
I mean really think. So humans burn a hole in the atmosphere (IF that is even occurring), what happens? The earth is destroyed? Nope.

A large chunk of humanity in low lying areas will die. Those areas are the most troubled and overpopulated. Earth 1, humanity 0

Move billions of tons of material, dam up the earths largest rivers, shift the weight and natural balances...and there be no consequences? Earth 2, humanity 0

People blabbing on about renewable energy. What is really being said? “I want the world to continue as it is, er, just different, so I can get my share of stuff and get rich or die trying.” Huh?
There is NO legitimate other cost effective, let alone safe, energy source sufficient to replace fossil fuel. Period. None.

People have to change their hearts and the things they desire in order to turn things around. You could give everyone a mule and an acre, or a home and car, and and and, and yet people will want more. Many, many people wouldn’t be happy even if absolutely everyone has exactly the same amount of stuff. Get real. You know this to be true.

It’s not only the rich white dudes that are tyrannical, despotic and gluttons. Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Sadam Hussein, Stalin, and CURRENTLY there are over 50 countries of nearly every color and religion that are considered dictatorship run.

White people don’t have a monopoly on greed, inequality, cruelty, racism or xenophobia.
So then, I ask, what does the negative, pejorative labeling accomplish, other than continue to race bait, shift blame, and hide what is truly being said;

"I want, and am not satisfied."

Think about it.

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