Spread Your Legs
"At every street corner you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty, spreading your legs with increasing promiscuity to anyone who passed by." --Ezekiel 16:25
I've seen the posts about Rev. Osteen, hard not too. But might I say:
Religion is glutinous, and greedy, and selfish--that's not Jesus.
Religion places chains of guilt, shame, and fear on you--that's not Jesus.
Religion hates & wars under Holy names, and false guises--that's not Jesus.
Religion separates and constantly divides--that's not Jesus.
Religion turns its back on you when you no longer can serve it physically, or financially--that's not Jesus.
Religion requires you to wear a brand, belong to a group, clique or movement--Jesus just says
FOLLOW me (Greek, "parapateo--"a way of life", walk with me, observe me, emulate me, become me).
Religions, and churches act like corporations, they harden your spirit, blind you to the world's plight, legitimize greed and meanness, and depersonalize all of humanity except the chosen & elect.
Religion requires you to follow a man--Jesus ASKS you to be his friend.
Religion takes and takes and takes--Jesus gives freely.
Religion if tried will always leave a bad taste in your mouth--not so with Jesus.
This is what God himself says about religious institutions, through true prophets;
"At every street corner you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty, spreading your legs with increasing promiscuity to anyone who passed by." --Ezekiel 16:25
"I hate, I despise your religious festivals; your assemblies are a stench to me. --Amos 5:21
"The multitude of your sacrifices-- what are they to me?" says the LORD. "I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats." --Isaiah 1:11
Religion, if you can imagine, is the cruel god Moloch, a terrible effigy with a gaping, super-heated mouth where the religious leaders sacrificed the countless babies, and then the people (after getting their tithe, or offering, or pounding, donation, or charitable gift) to appease the angry spirits--BTW, that's not Jesus either, he said, "Come to me, and I will give you..."
Religion, I think you can figure out, makes me sick. So go on and despise religion and religious people for fakes and charlatans, and blind followers if you want, but most are just ignorant sheep though. Save your precious time, and bank the negative energy.
Yet, here's the paradox you'll have to figure out--I love Jesus. I'd walk away from everything, and everyone, but never Jesus. Religion, churches, groups, leaders, family, friends have all fallen short, but not Jesus. Pretty weird huh? I'm at a place of going home (that's dying in plain language), but I am deeply satisfied, peaceful, and in love with life, humanity, and Jesus.
Give yourself a gift, open your heart to the entire world around you, walk away from religion, and cultish charismatic movements and men. Meet and get to know Jesus, that'll give you a different perspective I believe.
Love is...
1 Cor 13:4-8 Love is...
**Man, can people not read? I said religion, not faith, not a gathering of people who attempt to live out the gospel and not sit around and talk about it or argue over it--funny thing some of you won't even accept the scriptures--you'll stand by your man-made religious mess--you are in bondage.
** Maybe I'm not being clear or there is just a massive amount of Biblical ignorance, but let me break it down, that building, hut, tent, cathedral, lean-to, synagogue you meet at with your fellow like minded clan? That's NOT the Church of Jesus, that gathering is universal and indifferent to and separate from your small little assemblies.
By the way, though religion may be pernicious, it has no power unless the people abdicate theirs, and they sadly do by the masses.
"The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?" --Jeremiah 5:21
That's the question then isn't it? What will you do in the end when YOU are required to pay the ferryman? Don't look to the systems, or men you trusted in, you'll realize too late that falsehood is not legal tender in the lands beyond this one.
Heaven is my throne, and the Earth my footrest, seeing this, what house will you build me saith the Lord? --Isaiah 66:1
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