Thursday, October 22, 2020

F451–Watching the Grass Grow...

Fahrenheit 451 “Watch it grow, sir...” 

October 21, 20

Twitter, Facebook & media censorship were all foreshadowed in 1953's Fahrenheit 451.

PLEASE read Ray Bradbury’s 1953 book Fahrenheit 451, AND then watch the classic 1966 version by the same name. Chilling. 

Dialogue from F451:

The Captain By the way, what does Montag do on his day off duty?

Guy Montag Not much, sir, just mow the lawn.

The Captain And what if the law forbids that?

Guy Montag Just watch it grow, sir.

Why???? Because your liberal politicians, media & big tech said to...


The Captain  to Montag after conversion: “What did you hope to do by reading these books? Walk on water?”

(At the end of the novel Montag converts to the book people. His choice of book to become?

In the movie, his choice is Poe’s ‘Tales of Mystery and Imagination.” In the Bradbury’s novel he becomes the ‘Book of Ecclesiastes.’)

2 Corinthians 4:7 — “we have this treasure in earthen vessels...”


One day, sooner than most would think, speech, written word & thought will be censored more than it is now. Like many other nations before, Christianity will first be tolerated, then ignored, then mocked, then demonized, then persecuted.

You will be told what to think and how to live. You will be told to watch the grass grow, or else. Watching grass grow will be common, acceptable and people will compete over who does it best, how to do it & shaming if you don’t or not enough or good enough.

*Borat & Kimmel yucking it up prime time to the Nation over the Wuhan virus coming from Israel. 

*Judge Amy Coney Barrett being mocked because her faith and it’s writings & teachings, the life of Jesus, “lives loudly in you...”

You can try and hide. Try and assimilate, act & talk & look like the rest. Bow a knee. Mouth a slogan. Become a Drew Breeze.... Post a #hashtag. 

But if you’re conservative, a practicing Jew or Christian, you will be cancelled, doxed, outed, blackballed & then persecuted. It’s on right now, spreading, growing, devouring all in its path. Liberal Press & Media, Washington Swamp, UN and NON-religious big tech, they’re coming for you, hunting you down, tracking and turning on you as needed.

If you are not active in your faith, fighting for the faith, taking a stand for the faith — you will become one of the herd. You WILL.

We are sheep. You WILL follow someone & something. Will you follow Jesus the good shepherd, or another?

Be a sheep that feeds on God’s sweet Word in a safe & abundant pasture. 

Don’t be like the world’s blind & dumb sheep watching the grass grow, because the press or liberal politicians “family” tell you to on your “parlor walls”—the wall size TV & entertainment center predicted in 1953 to take over the home and influence every decision in our life.

Revelation 3:17

“Because you say, 'I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of nothing;' and don't know that you are the wretched one, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.”

We should have already chosen, and lived our lives committed to becoming living books of Jesus. We should live in a way that others identify us with Christianity, and as reflections of the Living Word. 

Yes, we are to learn how to “walk on water” from reading the books, then become the books incarnate.


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned Monday the state could move to shut down religious institutions that do not agree to comply with restrictions on mass gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic...

The governor took action at the request of New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who sought a shutdown of nine neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens with posted coronavirus test positivity rates higher than three percent for seven straight days...

“This cannot happen again. If you do not agree to enforce the rules, then we’ll close the institutions down. I am prepared to do that,” Cuomo said.


Borat blames coronavirus on Israel: ‘It spread from the you-know-whos’


“Baron Cohen, appearing on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” opened the show by spraying disinfectant across the set and saying that his country’s intelligence services “have make discovery this morning that there is a virus.

“It come from a place called Wuhan, which is in Israel. There is no surprise. They are spreading everything,” Baron Cohen said.

“It spread from the you-know-whos,” he added, simulating a big nose with his hand.

He administered a “normal Kazakh plague questionnaire” to Kimmel, which opened with the question, “In the last week have you been in the presence of more than 15 minutes of any Jews?”

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Understanding How Thinking Creates New Neural Pathways that Affect a Person


(Romans 12:1-2) “…And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind…”
Two thousand years may have passed since under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit Paul wrote the words, “think about such things,” but in the last two decades, researchers have discovered that what a person thinks about actually changes the structure of the brain (Buonomano & Merzenich, 1998; Pascual-Leone, et al., 1995; Kandel, 2000).
Hebb (1949/2002) has shown that neurons that fire together wire together (p. 63).

He says, “The general idea is an old one, that any two cells or systems of cells that are repeatedly active at the same time will tend to become ‘associated,’ so that activity in one facilitates activity in the “other” (pp. 69-70). Additionally, research has found that neural connections will only be formed as a result of focused attention (Recanzone, Schreiner, & Merzenich, 1993).”
When attention is focused on a particular thought or task, neurons in a specific pathway fire and connect to other neurons.

As the thought or task is repeated, the connection becomes stronger and the transmission becomes faster.

What began as a mere goat path of a connection soon becomes a neuronal superhighway (Merzenich, Tallal, Peterson, Miller, & Jenkins, 1999).”
In light of this research, the command in Philippians 4:8 to “think about such things” promises a renewing of the mind, not just at a spiritual level, not just at an emotional level but even to the very core of the physical structure of the brain.

No wonder the passage ends with a promise of “the overwhelming well-being that flows from God’s peace.”

Weak Hands and Feeble Knees



By Rich Giberti

A thought from my world today…In dealing w long term, chronic conditions I have looked at the scriptures so many ways for MY path

There is healing – gradual & by degree, & miraculous (of which I’ve experienced both).  There are also trials for testing & growth, and trials for correction. When physical/mental living is a struggle, the mind, and faith weaken and the “why” of the broken condition becomes uncertain, and therefore the path to “how” also is uncertain

As I was reading this A.M., this scripture from Hebrews 12:12 intrigued me
Is Paul speaking literally of strengthening, and rehabilitation of the body? Is it JUST a metaphor?

In my condition, as I’ve said I am familiar w the working and power of the Spirit in my past, and no stranger to miracles, and for this I prayed n prayed

But when no immediate answer is present, I’ve had periods of doubting, fear, and depression that left me stuck…

I’ve shied away from Paul’s third prayer of specific healing, and path of courageous acquiescence

And I’ve also looked at lessons to be learned, other ways God empowers to live and act besides in a whole and healed body

For now, the injuries in my neck n head are what they are…

My takeaway?

But there are LOTS of other areas that I CAN work on, rehab, strengthen, n in so doing improve everything else

And there are “friends”, those who stick closer than a brother, who never let go, that will put you on a stretcher and haul you to Jesus, or will wait with you as you wait for the Angel to come and stir the waters

You all have helped, and are helping to strengthen my hands that hung down inactive, and to brace up my knees to serve God and humanity in some capacity — thank you
Spurgeon (sermon #243–1859) speaks of this weakness and offers timeless insight:

“John Bunyan (in Pilgim’s Progress) represents Christian as coming to the foot of the hill Difficulty, and he says, “I looked then after Christian, to see him go up the hill, where I perceived he fell from running to going, and from going to clambering upon his hands and knees, because of the steepness of the place.”

“Many such a place you and I have had to pass, brother Christians. Once we could run along the walls of salvation with triumphant faith; at other times we could walk even through the valley of the shadow of death with quiet confidence: but we have come to a place of trial and of extraordinary difficulty, where all speed failed us, and strength did not suffice.

Then always on our knees in agony of prayer, and always on our hands in simplicity of faith, we climbed our weary way, often fearing lest we should fall backward to out destruction, but crying out, “Lord, let my knee find a resting place, let my hand hold on some projecting crag of promise, that there I may get a fast hold, lest I totter and fall.

I can but ascend slowly.”

“My heart followeth hard after thee, my spirit crieth after thee; Lord, help me! help me to climb this way, for back I cannot go.”


Monday, May 4, 2020

The Earth is Flat!!...? No it’s round. I'm sure. I think...

**Research & this Blog ongoing...

The Earth is Flat!!...? No it’s round.Where's my alchemist?

 February 13, 1633: Astronomer Galileo on trial for saying Earth revolved around the sun

April 12, 1633: Galileo is convicted of heresy On April 12, 1633, chief inquisitor Father Vincenzo Maculani da Firenzuola, appointed by Pope Urban VIII, begins the inquisition of physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei.

Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church.

October 31, 1992: After 350 Years, Vatican Says Galileo Was Right It took the Catholic Church 350 years to admit they were wrong...

IF renewable energy / Green New Deal is bogus, how long will it take the world to admit it? 

Can it ever?

Why eco-leftists are suddenly turning on Michael Moore??    

The Earth is Flat!!...? No it’s round.

February 13, 1633: Astronomer Galileo on trial for saying Earth revolved around the sun

April 12, 1633: Galileo is convicted of heresy

On April 12, 1633, chief inquisitor Father Vincenzo Maculani da Firenzuola, appointed by Pope Urban VIII, begins the inquisition of physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei. Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the Sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church.

October 31, 1992: After 350 Years, Vatican Says Galileo Was Right

It took the Catholic Church 350 years to admit they were wrong,

IF renewable energy / Green New Deal is bogus, how long will it take the world to admit it?

Can it ever?

Why eco-leftists are suddenly turning on Michael Moore

“The environmental movement has basically become a religion, or rather a kind of hybrid between religion and political ideology.”

Thilo Spahl: “You founded Greenpeace 40 years ago; today you fight Greenpeace. What went wrong in the meantime?”

Patrick Moore: “Much has gone wrong over the years. In summary: when Greenpeace started, it was not just about the environment, but also about the people. ‘Green’ stood for the environment and ‘Peace’ for ending the threat of global nuclear war and the destruction of human civilisation.
Over the years, Greenpeace drifted to where the organisation now characterises people as the enemies of the earth. This is a very different approach and not one I wanted to join. Human beings are part of the earth.”

Environmentalism has become a religion—2014
Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace

“What we have been calling green, renewable energy and industrial civilization are one and the same thing - desperate measures not to save the planet but to save our way of life,"

Planet of the Humans—2020
Jeff Gibbs // Michael Moore

Michael Moore Just Declared War on the Climate Movement

“What we’re trying to get across is the larger point that it doesn’t even matter if they’re 100 percent efficient,” Gibbs said of renewables. “The story is that they're still part of a giant industrial civilization that consumes resources.”


Nearly half of ALL renewable? Depletes natural resources

Largest percentage of all renewable “green” energy comes from biomass products; trees, plants, animals

Rather than being carbon neutral, biomass is liquidating millions of tons of irreplaceable carbon stocks in the midst of a climate crisis already out of control.

ALL renewable energy forms consume resources, are inefficient (no more than 20% efficiency), and produce dangerous toxic waste & bi-product

Green Economics — Religion to Reality

Bloomberg “Renewable Energy”
--Other (yet other comprises nearly half, and the majority is biomass—trees, plants & animals

It’s better for the earth, better for humans to eradicate, cut down, chop down, kill off to keep the energy consumption status-quo?

Bloomberg has already donated more than $150 million to the Sierra Club and other environmental organizations as part of his previous environmental campaign, known as Beyond Coal.

He bought off the Sierra Club, do he could harvest the worlds trees

The world, it’s poor peoples and natural resources will be decimated, turned to profit, harvested, and abandoned. A toxic wasteland everywhere

Bio-mass as “renewable” is both a scientific joke, and illogical and impractical

Cutting trees down, requires double the amount of burned wood to match coal, more to match efficient natural gas
Less than half efficient at best,
Total production 1% — a joke

Europe has ten years of data and experience w renewables, all w negative and worse than expected benchmark outcomes

The old alchemists dream to “make” one substance be worth more than it actually is, become something it isn’t and cannot be through a seemingly magical process.

Renewable energy through industrialization — joke

I think science is being ignored, or not understood

Laws of Thermodynamics

Energy exists in many forms, such as heat, light, chemical energy, and electrical energy. Energy is the ability to bring about change or to do work. Thermodynamics is the study of energy.

First Law of Thermodynamics:
Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed.

The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another.

The First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed. In essence, energy can be converted from one form into another.

There is no free lunch.
--Change consumption. Drastically.
--Change lifestyle.
--De-aggregate. Eliminate cities.
--Environmental harmony, true closed system sustainability.
--Population decrease. 'Soylent Green' (JK)

Yes, IF all the above were done, and the net energy needs could be met with tree waste, and tree farms bio-mass is feasible

And then there’s the dishonesty of data—“trees” aren’t the same

Most tree farms are soft woods like pine and fir, the density of these trees is a tenth of hardwoods, and grow in a fraction of the time

And thus, cutting down forests of trees that contain hardwoods cannot be calculated into this biomass as they cannot be used unless a 30, 50, 100 year plan is involved

I.e. an 40-foot hardwood tree with a 18-inch diameter can weigh as much as 10,000 pounds while a 50-foot pine tree with a 12-inch diameter will only weigh as much as 2,000.


We know this won’t be done, nor tree harvesting contained to farms

The poor and under regulated or corrupt will sell its land, it’s trees and it’s peoples for profit

I think I may be missing something critical; I thought the issue was CO2 emissions causing global warming and the end of life , etc etc

I thought it was established trees were the primary means to scrub and remove CO2 emissions

Yet, under this notion of a Green Society and it’s “renewable” energy is bio-mass, the largest percentage category

And bio-mass is primarily trees?

So the plan is to cut down trees, the primary means to scrub CO2, then burn them, in order to help the environment?

Someone’s crazy

Beyond all this, and to highlight what I think is “the point” of Moore’s documentary “the Planet of the Humans”, renewable energy aren’t the answer

Renewables aren’t renewable

I was around solar pv panels for years n never saw them renew, repopulate, fornicate or have little solar panels

I never saw them even make out, let alone 2nd base

Green isn’t green

If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste? Forbes 2018

“The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in 2016 estimated there was about 250,000 metric tonnes of solar panel waste in the world at the end of that year. IRENA projected that this amount could reach 78 million metric tonnes by 2050...

Solar panels often contain lead, cadmium, and other toxic chemicals that cannot be removed without breaking apart the entire panel. “Approximately 90% of most PV modules are made up of glass,” notes San Jose State environmental studies professor Dustin Mulvaney. “However, this glass often cannot be recycled as float glass due to impurities. Common problematic impurities in glass include plastics, lead, cadmium and antimony.”

There is NOWHERE to retire them safely—how good can that be?

And there currently is no mandated plan by state or federal to retire, and recycle broke or old panels

Occasio's Green New Deal a Good One, Smart One, Doable? That would be NO.

Not according to a 100% bi-partisan vote against it.

"Senate UNANIMOUSLY votes down Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal 57-0 with high profile Democrats joining Republicans to show their disapproval for the radical plan as she charges the GOP with wrecking the world."

We ARE killing this world. We are terrible stewards of this amazing Earth. Our lack of appreciation, lack of understanding of our utter reliance on her, cruelty, waste, and greed are mind-boggling. We will be held accountable to her Creator. I love Gaia.

Renewable energy just isn't the answer.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone...?

November 20, 2014

Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone...?

Not all jobs, events, circumstances or relationships are destinations, often they only serve as way stations and steppingstones that help carry us along in our journey.

Breakdown Dead Ahead!

I know many people that prolong an often needed breakdown by self medicating, or doctor prescribed medicating for depressed and anxious symptoms.

I'm not a doctor, but I can tell you that some people need a breakdown, to hit rock bottom, to reach their wits end in order for their life to truly get better. 90% of breakthroughs are preceded by a breakdown.

Just saying. (Luke 20:17-18)

**  God lives beyond our wit's end--once we quit running, trying, working and living within and by ourselves--that's when God takes over. I called it breakdown, but we know it as surrender


I completed the Spartan Sprint 5K with a torn rotator cuff, two partially separated attaching tendons, and severe tendonitis in my right arm/shoulder.

I finished the Sunday Spartan Sprint Open in 2:17:51 — placing 24th for Age Group, 1166th for Gender, and 1706th Overall (top half of field)! Why'd I do it? After my motorcycle accident a year ago the doctors and their tests kept saying "disabled" and that started getting into my head and pulling me down--this was my "I'll show them (and me) I've got heart" moment! I completed 24/25 obstacles on the course. For those of you who are down or have been down, let me remind you it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that matters... Philippians 4:13

Colorado Springs Military Spartan Sprint: 4.5 mile course created by Spartan Sprint & Army Special Forces. 25 obstacles.

First Section:
Obstacle 1: Over-Under-Over (runners must first climb over a wall, run 10 yards, climb under a wall, run 10 yards, then through a square hole placed in a wall. This obstacle was repeated three times in a row). Obstacle 2: can't remember!. Obstacle 3: GFT Wall (runners must climb over a wooden walls. The first was 4', the next was 6' and the last was 8'). Obstacle 4: Muck Run (runners ran, waded through a nasty, mucky creek, through a 2-4 ft. pond and up a 15 ft. muddy hill). Obstacle 5: The Gamble (each participant was faced with a decision, to choose between flipping a 250 lb. tractor tire multiple times, or drag a tractor tire--I chose the flip). Obstacle 6: Atlas Lift (lift a 120 lb. round stone and carry it 15 yards, drop it, do 5 burpees, repeat).

Second Section:
Obstacle 7: can't remember. Obstacle 8: Log Hop (runners had to hop across differently sized and spaced logs/stumps without touching the ground. Bonus, the stumps were unstable in the mud). Obstacle 9: Barb Wire Crawl (runners had to crawl 100+ yards through muddy pits under barbed wire, staying low to the ground as to not get injured by the wire). Obstacle 10: Tractor Pull (runners drag/pull a chain looped through a 40 lb. knobby cement block through a bumpy dirty course up and down hills for about a quarter mile). Obstacle 11. Rope Climb (runners climb a rope 20 ft. hung over a body of water/mud -- the one obstacle I did NOT complete).

Third Section:
Obstacle 12: Monkey Net (a version of the monkey bars obstacle which fashioned cargo webbing that began with a 20 ft. incline and ended with a decline traverse). Obstacle 13: Rolling Mud (runners climbed a slippery, muddy hill followed by a water pit and this repeats 5 times in a row. The hill is between 5-10 feet tall and the water is 2-4 ft. deep). Obstacle 14: Inverted Wall (runners climbed a wall that was 10-12 feet high but was like a ramp... only the ramp was on the other side and you were under it). Obstacle 15: Rucksack Carry (runners had to pick up and carry a 125 lb. rucksack/backpack a quarter mile up and down steep, winding hills).

Fourth Section:
Obstacle 16: Object Carry (runners had to carry a 70 lb. "pancake"/sandbag a quarter mile). Obstacle 17: Weaver (runners had to “weave” through logs with 3 ft. gaps, going over one beam and then under one beam, to the top of the 20 ft. A-Frame and back down the opposite side). Obstacle 18: Underwater Wall (runners climb a muudy hill and slide down it. Once in the water, there is a solid wall with barbwire across the top that skims the surface of the water so you have to completely submerge yourself to go under ad ten up another mud hill) Obstacle 19: Traverse Wall (runners had to traverse sideways a long wall of maybe a 100ft with small pieces of 2x4 screwed on at varying spans, similar to a bouldering wall). Obstacle 20: Spear Throw (participants had to throw a wooden spear into a target from a distance of 10-20 yards).

Fifth Section:

Obstacle 21: Herculean Hoist (Athletes must hoist a 75 lb. sandbag 25 ft. off the ground using a pulley system. This obstacle is similar to the "lat-pull" exercise machine, but is more difficult because the rope is often muddy and slippery... Once the block is in the air you cannot drop it. You have to get the block to the top and then bring it to the ground without letting go of the rope). Obstacle 22: Dunk Wall/Slip Wall (runners climb up a slick 10 ft. mudwall with a rope. Then slide down the mud wall on the other side into 6-8 ft. deep water/mud). Obstacle 23: Bridge (runners have to climb a wooden ladder that has been painted and caked with mud up 90ft to the top of a platform. Once at the top, you have a 45ft long horizontal cargo net to get across, followed by the 90ft climb back down the same type ladder on the other side). Obstacle 24: Fire Jump (athletes run through and then jump over a burning section of wood 1 foot to 2 feet tall). Obstacle 25: Gladiator Gauntlet.

 My brother Mike said I had something in my teeth. I told him a was a little bit of determination. ;)

You Could Really Pull the Trigger and End a Life? Let it Go...

October 6, 2015

You Could Really Pull the Trigger and End a Life? Let it Go...

My two cents: I'm all for gun ownership. But I'm wondering if all the people that post their outrage over the possibility of the government taking your gun(s) away have EVER committed violence against another person? Have you ever blackened an eye? bloodied a lip or nose? taken someone down and just beat the spit out them? No? So what are you going to do with your gun(s) when a criminal or even the government rolls up on you, shoot it out with them?

Are you proficient with your weapon? Can you fire under pressure, at a human moving target? Do you practice? What do you shoot at, a round target, a silhouette or a real human? 

Even if you have been trained to fire your weapon, most of you certainly haven't been conditioned to kill another human. Maybe some that routinely blast away at humans or human-like things in video games can lower the resistance and operantly train themselves, but NOT the average person.

I am a Marine Corps vet, I've done violence, I've had violence committed against me and the thought(s) make me ill. I work at a Veteran's hospital, and do you know which unit is consistently full? The PTSD unit. When most men and women experience the horrors of war, it changes them, deeply and permanently.

Within us is a powerful resistance to killing one's own kind, a resistance that exists in every healthy member of every species. It is rare for animals of the same species to fight to the death. In their territorial and mating battles animals with horns will butt their heads together in a relatively harmless fashion, but against any other species they will go to the side and attempt to gut and gore. Similarly, piranha will fight one another with raps of their tails but they will turn their teeth on anything and everything else, and rattlesnakes will wrestle each other but they have no hesitation to turn their fangs on anything else.

A taboo against killing our own is imprinted into the genetic code in order to safeguard the survival of the species.

Sheesh--if you're not willing and/or by nature unable to blow someone's brains out/end a life, just let it go.

**Advice from an expert:
 Approximately 20 or so years ago, a family's home was entered by force. The family filed a lawsuit against the City and the police department. This case went all the way to the US Supreme Court. The Court ruled against the plaintiffs claiming that it was not the police's responsibility to protect the home and occupants. The Police were there to maintain law and order. 

1. Take your states concealed weapon course, even if you're not going to carry a weapon 
2. Know if your state has and or uses/exercises the "Castle Doctrine" 
3. If you will arm yourself, both you and your spouse or significant other should also be proficient in using this firearm, fire your weapon at least once a quarter with this weapon. 
4. Store the weapon in a safe that is in area where you have immediate access, but the one/two weapon safe is attached/bolted to the house (compartments in closets work well) 
5. In the event you pull your weapon, call the police first and keep them on your cellphone, speaker because 911 operators should be recording the call. 
6. No such thing as warning shots or shooting at extremities. 
7. Know where you you live or visiting (situational awareness) 
8. Only use deadly force as a last resort. 

Laws are updated regularly, so educate yourself.

A Dear Ol' Friend Retired...

November 4, 2015 (Lakewood, CO)

A dear ol' friend retired yesterday. She was there for us to help in the long sleepless nights, through each of our children's early childhood moments--tummy aches, colic, daytime naps, and bedtime stories. She started off shiny & new, but was broken several times, fixed, recovered, fixed, recovered again, but finally, alas could no longer be fixed. Sometimes, you just have to let go. So we are. Thank you dear chair, though we never named you, you were an unbelievable blessing. We say goodbye with so many memories, and much love.

** (Tina) "Spent many a nights with her rocking our children to sleep, falling asleep with them in our arms and she would let us get some rest through the long nights. We will miss her."

That's Stupid

January 31, 2014 1212pm

That's Stupid

Elevating a man, any man to godhood, is well, stupid. James in his pithy manner was quick to say, "Elijah was a man, with a nature like ours." Period.

But those who allowed that spirit(s) on them, well, they built on a bad foundation, allowed themselves to be seduced by spirits, allowed themselves to be brought back into bondage and overly identified with a man (as children do). “Now I say this, that each of you says, “I am of Paul,” or “I am of Apollos,” or “I am of Cephas,” or “I am of Christ.” Is Christ divided? (I Corinthians 1:12-13)

It’s interesting how much the childish human race likes labels!  We want to associate ourselves, our children, our churches, our families, our work and so many other areas of our life, with a label….something that we can quickly use to define ourselves… distinguish ourselves from others. Where do all the celebrity & athlete posters hang? On the walls of children, adolescents & adults who have yet to or ever will form mature self identities. “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” (I Corinthians 13:11)

Children when they have grown up, they can see their parents with mature eyes and realize their parents’ lack of perfection—”What! You mean there is no santa claus, and you don’t know everything?” It’s sad to see the collapse of Galatians church members right before our eyes. Just read that one book and you can see what is happening today within our ranks.

If you notice, the Epistles of Paul were often written to call out evils in the churches which he had planted and later called for correction. That letter to the Galatians is not an exception. At a period not long after his second visit tidings came to him that excited his alarm and indignation. That restless wing of the church which clung to Judaism (legalism, the Gospel plus something else, the cult of man worship & will worship) which had troubled the church at Antioch (Acts 15:1), which had made necessary the council at Jerusalem (Acts 15:5–30), whose evil work at Corinth we note in both Epistles, but especially in the second, whose continual warfare made one of Paul's sorest afflictions “perils among false brethren,” had sent its emissaries into Galatia and had taught that it was needful that the Gentile Christians be circumcised and submit to the law of Moses in order to be saved. If you trace the history of the many early message emissaries and missionaries, you will see this same pattern.

The Galatians were (modern ones still are) attracted to the law because it gives them specific moral guidelines that they can apply to their practical problems. The Jewish law teachers were renowned for their ability to develop applications of the law for every conceivable situation. There seems to be a sense of moral security in such well-defined codes of conduct. In comparison, Paul's command to "live by the Spirit" seems to leave everything up in the air. Lazy & immature people want a very specific list of steps to follow. They say, "Tell me exactly what to do and what not to do, and then I will feel safe; I'll know how to act." But this approach to the Christian life is in danger of repeating the Galatian error. It is an attempt to live under law rather than under the direction of the Spirit.

Highlights of the Issues at Galatia:
The eager abandonment of the gospel of grace for a pseudo gospel by the Galatians was astonishing to Paul, even though some were agitating them and attempting to pervert the gospel of Christ 1:6

Expressing his amazement, Paul accuses the Galatians, who were called by Christ's grace, of abandoning God for a different gospel 1:6

The message, presented by those who were troubling the Galatians, was not an additional gospel but an attempt to reverse or undo the gospel of grace 1:7

Justification has always been by faith and since the Law is unable to make anyone righteous, Christ died to redeem those who were under the Law making them heirs and sons of God as children of Abraham according to promise 3:1

As justification is obtained by faith (as evidenced by the reception of the Holy Spirit) so sanctification is also experienced by faith 3:1

The Galatians have been beguiled because the crucifixion of Christ was explained to them 3:1

Israel is no longer to be a slave-like son under the bondage of the Law, but an adopted heir of God with full privileges 4:1

1.  A child - heir is subject to those in authority over him 4:1-2
2.  Israel, like children, were under bondage to the regulations of the Law 4:3
3.  But at the proper time God sent His Son, who was subject to the Law, to redeem the Jews enabling both Jews and Gentiles to be adopted as adult sons 4:4-5
4.  To His sons God sent the Spirit of Jesus Christ to unite them with the Father and change their position from that of slaves to heirs 4:6-7

In view of their new position, Paul asks why the Galatians have returned to the bondage of the Law 4:8-11

1.  Since the Galatians know God and more importantly God knows them, Paul asks why they want to enslave themselves to the powerless and useless practices of Judaism as evidenced by their observation of feasts, festivals, and holy days 4:7-8
2.  Paul fears that his ministry to the Galatians has been fruitless in terms of Christian living 4:9

Paul pleads with the Galatians to not abandon the teachings of faith and agonizes over their spiritual growth 4:12-20

Initially, the gospel was received with great readiness; but later the Galatians' immaturity and need for an identity and self-aggrandizement (boasting) led to the apostle himself being welcomed as “an angel of God” (Gal. 4:14). Factually though Paul was an “angel”, a messenger, this was not the purpose of the Galatian to use such a term. They weren’t content to be an “ordinary” believer who would be called a mere “Christian” -- they wanted more than to say they had believed on Jesus based upon the preaching of a man even as great as Peter (Cephas), or Appollos — they wanted to say they had received their revelation from an angel. Does this sound at all familiar?

In summary, undermining the power of the Spirit by an overstress on the law, Paul said, is "stupid."

The Galatian church was a non-Jewish community that had no ties to the law. It had been evangelized in the power of the Spirit but later had been influenced to put itself under the power of the law in a way that undermined the integrity of the original Gospel that Paul had proclaimed. The fact that the Galatians had been so easily seduced to come under this law rather than remaining in the Spirit elicited Paul's term for them as "stupid."

The Greek word for "stupid," anontos, is used six times in the New Testament. Galatians uses it twice.

Thus, while Paul envisioned a new order in the world through the church (Galatians 3:25) wherein there would be neither Jew nor Greek, and a new global way of being a church that transcends all forms of ethnicity. Where the Gospel proclaimed by Paul challenged categories of slave or free, Galatian-type (Message) people seem obsessed with controlling our faith so that theological freedom is denied, resulting in slavery to laws around works of the flesh rather than promoting the fruits of the Spirit.

For many years I have bemoaned the fact that the church seems composed of children who have not grown up in the faith. Knowing so much truth and then not walking in it is stupid, and indicates a person has been beguiled, seduced, deceived, bewitched and/or in bondage. We need a maturation of faith based on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I believe that if we would be grounded in this kind of faith, we could begin to get our priorities in order. This would start with the realization that it's more important to have vibrant church communities than preserving a man-made law (taking things a good or Godly man said in his flesh, as a personal conviction and not a universal imperative) that results in clannish behavior, splits and schisms.

Out of curiosity, if someone asked you to name the very first book written of the 27 books contained in the New Testament, what would your answer be?  Many, might suggest "Matthew."  After all, it appears first in the listing of books, therefore some assume it must have been written first.  The first book to be written was Galatians, and I am firmly convinced this was providential.  The very first declaration of inspiration was a proclamation of Freedom in Christ, the very message the world, and even the church, needs to hear today!

Paul's letter to the Galatian brethren has often been heralded as the "Magna Charta of Christian Liberty."  The Magna Charta ("Great Charter") was a document issued by King John of England on June 15, 1215.  Abuses by King John caused a revolt by nobles who compelled him to execute this recognition of rights for both noblemen and ordinary Englishmen.  People long to be free, and very few will long tolerate the oppression of those who would presume to lord it over them.  Revolution and reform may at times be slow in coming, but come they will. The first message the young church of our Lord Jesus needed to hear -- a message just as needed by the church today -- is that we are free.  We have been liberated from the tyranny of law, and we abide in a state of grace.  "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery" (Gal. 5:1).  There were some in Paul's day, and many in ours, who sought to enslave the disciples of Christ to a legalistic system.  Law is not the basis of our fellowship, unity or salvation, and yet some were (and still are) teaching this fallacious and stupid doctrine.  Thus, before any other book of the New Testament was ever penned, the apostle Paul, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, sent out this Great Charter of Christian Liberty in Christ.

The great reformer Martin Luther (1483-1546) regarded the epistle to the Galatians as a type of "battle cry for Christian liberty."  He felt this inspired writing called him "to fight Paul's battle for the liberty of the Gospel all over again" against the oppressive legalisms he perceived in the Roman Church.  Luther once wrote, "The Epistle to the Galatians is my epistle; I have betrothed myself to it; it is my wife."  Those discerning disciples who love and cherish their freedom in Christ have long loved and cherished the truths proclaimed by Paul in this marvelous first book of the New Testament canon.

"Not many books have made such a lasting impression on men's minds as the Epistle of Paul to the Galatians, nor have many done so much to shape the history of the Western world.  Galatians has been called the 'Magna Charta of Christian Liberty,' and this is quite correct.  For it rightly maintains that only through the grace of God in Jesus Christ is a person enabled to escape the curse of his sin and of the law and to live a new life, not in bondage or license, but in a genuine freedom of mind and of spirit through the power of God.  Because of this powerful truth, Galatians was the cornerstone of the Protestant Reformation" (The Expositor's Bible Commentary, vol. 10, p. 409).

Bridge of Sighs -- Long Time Crossing

November 17, 2013

Bridge of Sighs -- Long Time Crossing

Venice, Ponte dei Sospiri -- Bridge of Sighs
Why so unforgiving? Why so cold? (ref. Robin Trower)
The moment etched in stone, a pointing finger.
My pulse quickens, blood hammering in my head, time contracts & stills.
Walls of wood, the dock so high, a courtroom old.

The hammer falls,
The whited judge looks down in anger!
Cruel eyes upon my back, bore into my head,
The sentence blandly read, then
No other sound.

I'm walked outside, midst the daylight diffuse.
A view so dim,
Through the cold stone latticework.
Grey walls, grey mood,
A condemned life so cold & grim.

The walk is deliberate and tauntingly slow,
"All eyes ahead!" The orders barked.
Ahh, but who can resist a last delicious glance towards freedom,
Despite a keeper's blows?

No laughter, no love, no light.
There'll be no sun, no moon, no more water to wash me clean.
Time slows, details explode,
In the fading light, the prison walls turn gold.
And it's been a long time crossing, Bridge of Sighs.

Been a long time crossing, Bridge of Sighs.

Empire Over Empathy, and Conquest Over Character

March 1, 2015
Empire Over Empathy, and Conquest Over Character
God’s Children make mistakes, have flaws and are not 'perfect—yet, and despite the cliché, they are forgiven. The ups and downs that characterize human life also epitomize Christianity.

Elijah was a man. This seems self-evident, (or maybe not so much) to the leader blinded by grandiosity, tickled by pride, or even mildly deluded by the voice of an adoring congregation or following. Yet nonetheless, Elijah was a man. He had delusions of grandeur, thinking he was alone, singular in his love, worship and fidelity to God. Within his nature, within his unique DNA, he carried the seeds of anger, violence and vengeance as seen in the calling down of fire by himself, and the destruction of mocking children by Elisha who channeled his spirit. Elijah was at times faithful and faithless—one minute standing steadfast in his belief and conviction, then the next moment running away and hiding out in caves and in the wilderness. Elijah was a man.

David was also a man. David of the Bible, King David the beloved of God was a man. He was also a murderer and an adulterer. Abraham, a.k.a.Abram, was a liar and compromiser—someone at times more interested in self-preservation than the care of his dear bride or his newly acquired faith.Jacob? Oh, he was a con artist, deceiver and thief. Each—all, were terribly flawed, altogether much, too much human, and yet were greatly used and dearly beloved by God. These individuals eventually became known as the patriarchs and pillars of the Judeo-Christian faith because of God’s amazing love, his patience as a parent, his forgiveness as a savior, and his ability to see both into our hearts and the future to know who we can be, not merely who we are at some or any given low point in our lives.

Before either Jacob’s first con or his memorable quest to lay hold of truth, God saw his heart and the whole of his life and loved him. Long before our failures or successes, fame or infamy, and even before you and I ever put on the garment of life, the course of our lives were known. We were not made and then forgotten, nor as it may seem at times have we been forsaken.Our Heavenly Father did not abrogate his duties; he has not given up on His Human—Earth endeavor.

On June 28th, 1787, 81-year-old Benjamin Franklin eloquently and insightfully spoke the immortal words, “I have lived, Sir, along time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth that God governs in the affairs of men. If a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? …without his concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building not better than the builders of Babel.” Where we, or any nation fails is in the moments or at the junctions of our lives where we diverge from God’s exquisite plan. When we walk according to the course of this world, when we are pulled by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life we at best will make mistakes, most likely we will miserably & ignobly fail.

Some have nurtured and built loyal and impressive followings, yet have little familial love and fewer friends, why is that so often the case with either titans of industry or ministry? Often the matter is simple, empire was chosen over empathy, and conquest over character. The historical record of the legendary man is not a sham; it is real. To the eyes of man, and God, his works, labor, patience and energetic zeal to build an empire or preach the Gospel are genuine. But there is something often amiss—I, we, God “has somewhat against thee…” To followers we are what we seem to be. To family and friends we are what we are—they almost always will eventually see through the works, the speeches, the innate and divine gifting to the heart and essence of who we are. Sit around a campfire long enough after a baked bean dinner and you’ll discover the legend is but a man.

God judges by our standard of life—not by our standard of living. Success is not the same as vocational greatness. Babylon was once a wonder of the world. It is when we consistently align our life and purpose with the higher wisdom, and with God’s concurring aid, that the product of our effort is more than a fleeting & doomed construction project!

Yes, at the divergent points in our lives we make mistakes, we express the failed and flawed aspect of our humanity, and it is precisely at these moments when our sin abounds that the grace of God abounds even more. In my, in our weakness His strength is activated.

Of a truth Jesus came to save the sinner. He came to seek and to save the lost—the scarred. The flawed. That’s me; I’m one of those guys. I’m a sinner. I know who and what I am. At the divergent points in my life I have been an architect of Babel.

The inspiration for this thought came to me in the early hours, in the second to the last watch of the night—that of the “Rooster-Crow.” (Mark 13:35)

And these thoughts are about you and me; each of us have built our riotous cities only to watch them be destroyed, and to find ourselves at odds with God and good. Specifically though, this section will form the basis of the introduction to a chapter in a book I’ve already written.

In the near future a noted minister will pass away, it is then I will release the book. A book is more than one chapter; it is comprised of many lines and many chapters, each contributing to the telling of the story. One chapter, this chapter will be about the man. The other chapters will be about the legend. And everything to the Glory of God—soli Deo Gloria.

**In 2019 this passing occurred. Years have passed, the man's life being examined truthfully and factually and the evidence is overwhelming. He was a false prophet, leader of the modern day prophet movement, and thus his "voice' cannot be shared with any degree of certainty. The data and documents were passed on appropriately. Divine gifting does NOT equal infallibility,  humility or a Christ-like character. The rain falls on the just, and the unjust. (Matthew 5:45)

The Calcutta 'Coaster

The Calcutta 'Coaster

goin’ down again – i was like :DD and then I was :) and then went to :( and now i’m flipping back n forth between :@ or :[ or :s – i know the :) will come back and eventually the :DD, but i hate the streets of calcutta cyclothymic ‘coaster ride when you just drop over the edge and the g-forces jam your guts up into your throat…

this is what it feels like to me - it's not bi-polar, but it's bi-polar's ugly cousin - you know, the one that ends up owning a gas station or creating a software program that makes a ton of money, but you say, "who" when their name is mentioned...

cyclothymia ties in so well with addictive behavior and crazy, thrill seeking, people craving-avoiding, mini-funk behaviors that never, ever really stop - like a roller coaster. it's like, yeah!! lets go to batman or ghostrider or jurasic park - yay! run like crazy, smiles all over the place and then the funk starts - what? why's there a line? i'm here, it's me, there's not supposed to be lines! is there a shorter branch, hmmm... and everyone says chill-out, calm down or just talks and laughs and waits in anticipation or talks about the last ride and i'm stuck in my cranky-butt mood waiting in line. and the line is still a line and i'm still cranky butt surrounded by happy aliens. but oh wait, i'm near the front and am a happy camper again!! then the ride - yay the ride - i hate the ride, i really do

but i love one moment of the ride and i live for that one moment and endure all the rest just to experience that moment over and over and over again...

you get in and they give you a little whoopee to get you going, but you know it's coming and not the real thing so it isn't any fun and actually annoys me and on a bad day really pisses me off, but i digress - the false jolt and then a few wow-wee twists and turns and then it comes - it really comes, the true high, the true gut churning climb, the back-breaking 60, 70, 80 hour weeks of all out life consuming passion put into a project or a new something-or-other addiction and up we go, chug-chug-chug-chug-chug, up we go and the spring is getting wound tighter and then the drop - oh the drop really sucks too - i hate the line and i hate the little false starts, and i hate the build-up of the climb and i hate the drop...

what?? how can i hate the drop? that's when the screaming and grabbing and the adrenaline kicks in...i know, i know - but i hate the drop too. you say, well what's left? what's left, what's left? only a non addict or a non-cyclothymic would ask...

what do i love then?

i love that very, very brief interlude between going down and going up, one split second when the g-forces of acceleration and de-acceleration cancel each other out and it feels like weightlessness, nothingness, non-existence - and that to me is bliss - sheer, utter, complete bliss.

so now i feel :| and maybe almost :) since i've written and got that out there, but i'll feel :( and :0 and >:( and :@ soon enough... but through it all i have an anchor <>< that has kept me from goin off the rails entirely...whew

p.s. why the "calcutta 'coaster"? in third world countries (of which i've seen my share), abject poverty so often coexists on the same patch of sidewalk as does ecstasy - you literally can walk by a man in tattered clothes with missing limbs and/or open sores, and take two steps and there is another man with eyes closed and hands raised with a look of joy on his face, take another two steps and a dead child is dead and abandoned amidst the litter, and on-n-on...